Friday, February 4, 2011

The More Snow, the More Life Lessons

Here in Oklahoma we are seeing record snowfall.  As if 21 inches of beautiful, fluffy white stuff wasn't enough, as I look out my window we are seeing another 5 inches accumulation.  Yesterday I spent most of the day shoveling my driveway, and as I was so diligently working I began to think of how this back breaking work applies to life.  As in most situations, nothing comes for free.  Hard work brings a sense of pride and accomplishment.  I have had a life experience within the MLM Industry that can truly apply to this.  We often heard within our team "Friends do what friends do." Now think about that...... if you had a friend that was addicted to prescription drugs or was an alcoholic, would you join them because "Friends do what friends do?"  I don't think so.  I will always choose to be my own person and let Christ in me guide my every thought and action.  So many people are led by fear and manipulation and I am determined to set a new standard within MLM.  No smoke and mirrors, no dog and pony show and no three ring circus.  It is a wonderful industry when you are partnered with others who share your same vision.  Helping others by putting their needs above yours, is a key factor in seeing success.  So as I look at my driveway (which in now covered with snow again) I can remember the pride I felt yesterday that I shoveled it myself.  Many people in my neighborhood paid $40 or more to have their driveways cleared.  Feels good to know I have an extra $40 in my pocket and that I did it myself.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cracked Like New

Well it is the first week of a brand new year!  I can't believe how quickly time passes by.  Many of you that know me know I could not wait for 2010 to be over.  It was a year I would like to forget.  So I was more than ecstatic to see the clock strike midnight on Jan 1, 2011.  As I reflect back on the experiences of last year there are many lessons to be learned.  It was a year of pain and joy, friendships beginning and friendships ending, sickness, surgeries, health and healing, life and death......the list could go on and on.  All together it was a year that will go down in history as one of the worst of my life.  But I am not trying to start the day off being blue.  What I realize is that all of these things that God allowed me to go through last year are just cracks in the jar of clay that I am in His hands.  I read a devotional every day by Joyce Meyer, "The Confident Woman", and she reminds us that we are to celebrate that we are cracked pots!!  My pot is filled with gaping holes in it from all of the life experiences that have caused wear and tear on it.  But in the center of my pot is the light of Jesus that I pray will shine through the cracks and holes of my pot this year.  If your pot is filled with dirt, let the healing waters of Jesus pour through it and empty it out so your light can shine this year too!!

I felt God calling me to start this blog a few months ago and have been waiting on Him to give me the words to say.  He has!!!  See you soon!!